Welcome to the GBAS Service Directory.

Our Service Directory will help you find the right advice, information or support organisation for your needs.

Gateway to Birmingham Advice Services (GBAS) is fifteen locally based  organisations working together to improve access to advice for everyone in Birmingham. 

GBAS partners are grateful for the support and funding received from Barrow Cadbury Trust,  The Big Lottery and the European Social Fund. 

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Action for Blind People support people with any kind of sight loss in all aspects of their daily lives.
Age UK provides information support and advice and activities to help more people enjoy later life.
BID support those who are deaf, hard of hearing and deafened, and those who use sign language and those in need by reason of age, ill health or disability, in any manner.
Birmingham CAB provides free, confidential and impartial advice to all who need our help. We influence policymakers to improve policies and practices.
The Law Centre provides free legal advice and representation in welfare benefits, debt, community care and public law.
Birmingham Rathbone promotes the welfare and education of young people and adults who have learning disabilities/difficulties to enable them to reach their full potential.
BITA Pathways provides a supportive environment for people experiencing mental ill health, offering work training and support which promotes personal development and for progression towards employment.
Birmingham Settlement is here to help people lead happy fulfilling lives. We offer independent guidance and support for people facing financial difficulties, isolation or social exclusion.
Castle Vale Tenants & Residents Alliance was set up over 20 years ago when the Castle Vale estate was undergoing large scale regeneration. As the largest housing estate in Europe, the area underwent a massive redevelopment and today it is a pleasant, popular suburb on the edge of the City. The charity has expanded since then and delivers a variety of support services for customers – not just from the estate but across north and east Birmingham. CVTRA delivers debt and benefit advice, employment and training support and help for volunteers and community groups.
CVTRA is keen to grow its work through partnerships and is delighted to be working closely with other support and community anchor organisations.
Assistance with benefit appeals. Telephone advice in relation to a benefit appeal/tribunal hearing. Assistance with ESA/PIP form filling. Advice on medical assessments. Specialist welfare benefits training provider.
DRC provides a range of person-centred information, advice and support services to disabled people and their support networks primarily living in the Birmingham, Solihull and wider West Midlands. We provide a range of professional services to assist organisations to meet their legal obligations under Disability Discrimination and equality legislation.
Gateway Family Services changing lives and changing services. We work to improve health and well being through our Health Trainers in South Birmingham and through our Pregnancy Outreach Worker Service across the city. We develop skills and opportunities and fight inequality.
Momentum Skills Midlands assists individuals with acquired brain injury, stroke and/or neurological conditions to live independently and reintegrate back into their local community as well as providing vocational rehabilitation programmes for individuals looking to return to work, education, training or voluntary work.

The services include assessments of individual needs, support in managing the effects of acquired brain injury or diagnosis of condition, 1:1 emotional support and counselling, anxiety and confidence management, psychological adjustment via a clinical psychologist, support in relearning skills, work based skills, behavioural management and social skills, cognitive retraining, employment support, job coaching, work placements and job retention services
Shelter help people find and keep a home. We campaign for decent housing for all.